Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Question #7: What's your exposure trip/NSTP experience?

One's college life, or even life in general, may not be lived to the fullest without getting the chance to experience helping the less fortunate. One's experience in the Ateneo would not be complete without having attended the exposure trips held by the Office for Social Concern and Involvement (OSCI) during freshman year, along with InTACT class. During sophomore year, students engage in National Service Training Program.

"Mga mayayaman lang mga 'yan," some may say to generalize Ateneans, knowing that some, but still so much of the student population, live middle-class, if not well-off lives. True, even some students do not know what it is like in areas out of their comfort zones. This is the purpose of exposure trips and NSTP—to bridge the gap between the Atenean and society, and realize that the Atenean belongs to this society and will, hopefully, contribute to make it better.

"It was a good experience to have fun and help out at the same time."
Jake Javier, BS Applied Mathematical Finance

"I enjoyed teaching the kids Math and English."
Tiffany So, AB Management Economics

"I really had fun playing with the kids."
Jansen Ignacio, BS Computer Science

John Sanchez, BS Management

"I found it an eye opener and it made me more aware of how other people have different lives."
Andread Beldua, BFA Information Design

"Not too bad. Quite fun actually!"
Patrick Py, AB Political Science

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Question #6: Why did you choose to study in Ateneo and did you regret it or not?

It's that time of the year again when senior high school students get to take their pick. The big questions are, "Where do I go to college? Will I have fun? Will I regret going to this school?" Find out what some Ateneans felt when they made their choice and if it was all worth it. Who knows, you might find yourself saying the same things soon enough. :-)

"I do not regret going to Ateneo. I picked Ateneo because it is the best school around."
Wesley Say, AB Communication

"Honestly, looking back, was forced into it so I had really no reason to study here. I just took the 'jump' and hoped for the best. No, I don't regret it because everything else considered, studying here was made of fluff and happiness."
— Michael Andrade, BS Management Information Systems 

"Because for me, it's the best school and I do not regret this choice."
Bino Goco, AB Interdisciplinary Studies

"I chose to study in Ateneo because of a lot of reasons but the major reasons are the following: distance from my house, quality of education, the environment and atmosphere, the friends, and it's where I pretty much grew up; It's kinda like my second home really."
Allen Hizon, BS Management Information Systems/MS Computer Science

"Because I passed in my first choice and no I do not regret it."
Candice Limgengco, BS Communications Technology Management

"I was supposed to take a somewhat similar course in another college and I was fine with that, but what was tearing me apart was my course itself. I wasn't a hundred percent sure with it. I wanted to be a writer, too. That's why I chose the Ateneo because I felt like I could get the best of both worlds in here. I know that after my journey in the Ateneo, I could become a successful businesswoman and writer. The flexibility and choices I have been offered have made me more than happy. Regrets? Absolutely none."
Christine Go, BS Management

"I chose to study here because I liked my course and I don't regret it!"
Diane Chua, BS Management Information Systems

"I actually had a pretty hard time choosing between Ateneo and another school. What made it even harder for me to decide was how my parents had opposing views on the subject! Haha! In the end, though, I chose Ateneo because Ateneo just felt right for me. Ateneo felt like home from the get-go, and it surprisingly still does. I have no regrets!"
Jamie Magcale, AB Psychology

"[I chose to study in Ateneo] because of [its] superior education."
Reimond Go, AB Economics

"I chose to study in the Ateneo because it is, in my opinion, the best university in the Philippines. I don't regret choosing to study here because so far, I've learned so much while having so much fun."
Christiana Maglalang, BS Management

"[I chose to study in Ateneo] because of quality education and [that it is] a Jesuit-run school. I have no regrets."
Justin Sultan, AB Management Economics

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Question #5: What do you do to survive hell week?

Quizzes? Ready. Presentations? Ready. Long tests? Ready. Midterms? Ready. Hell week? Hell yeah, are we ready. We asked around what students do to survive the ever-despised hell week. Read along and maybe you can pick up a tip or two and catch yourself sitting so casually, just watching all the heavy workload breeze by. Because that's what we're built for, aren't we? Grace under the hardest of pressures. To hell with hell week, we say.

"I play video games, [they] reduce my stress and worries."
— Benjamin Go, BS Management

"I read Stephen King books; reading keeps the momentum in my mind running."
— Jeffrey Teh, AB Creative Writing

"I draw—it helps in calming and clearing the mind."
Reena Tan, BS Communications Technology Management

"I eat... A LOT."
Alyssa Chuidian, AB Communication

"I indulge myself with whatever vice I have save from drinking to relieve stress."
Migs Ocampo, BS Management Information Systems

"I survive the hell week by simply going home after my exam. Then i rewrite all my notes and refresh my memory. Last, I sleep as early as possible."
Carlo Delos Santos, AB Psychology

"I [try not to] think of it as hell week and just do stuff one at a time."
Justin Rafols, BS Management Engineering

"I study all my lessons again and submit school work if there's any."
Jerome Abellon, AB Interdisciplinary Studies

"I get through hell week with:
1. Divine guidance
2. Coffee
3. Post-its for reminders
1. Sleep
2. Social life"
Cyrille Lagamson, BFA Information Design

"Prepare well and take one step at a time, by studying in advance (at least a week before hell week) and sleeping early and praying to Papa Jesus."
Carlo Toledo, BS Management

"Doing requirements way ahead of time; NO to cramming!"
Lance Sese, BS Health Sciences

"Basically, I organize everything that I have to do a week before and try to prepare for it as soon as I can."
Angelo Mendoza, AB Communication

"I find it easiest to get through hell week by taking it one at a time. I don't study a lot on regular days--I'm a natural crammer so I study for tests the night before and/or on the day of the test. It's not a good way to get A's but at least it gets me through hell week without feeling like a zombie."
Ashley Maglaqui, BS Management Engineering

"I play music with my piano, it soothes and relaxes the mind with the songs I heard."
Marty Franco, BS Legal Management

"Hell week's purpose is to see if we know how to prioritize our activities. To survive hell week, I do the best I can to manage my time wisely by providing sufficient time for all the things I have to do."
Gabby Liwanag, AB Communication

Sunday, 1 January 2012

New Year Question: What's your New Year's resolution this 2012?

What is it with New Year? Date changes. Celebrations all around. Fireworks and fire crackers. Then we move on with life.

Yes, it probably feels like nothing really happened after the celebrations. But the essence that New Year brings us is a starta headstartwhere we are to make most of yet another 365 (in fact, 366 this year) days. This time of the year, we bring in our resolutions, may we fulfill them or not, it is everyone's way of changing for the better and hoping for the best.

See at what some Ateneans have for their resolutions this year, and maybe you could share yours too! By the end of the year, let's see who actually fulfilled theirs.

"To stop procrastinating."
Izac Quintin, BS Management Information Systems

"I don't make New Year's resolutions. I set my goals whenever I feel the need to, and I don't have to wait for the calendar year to change for me to do so."
Angelo Lorenzo, BS Chemistry/BS Materials Science and Engineering

"To be selfless."
Biondi Te, BS Management

"[To] balance my academic and athletic lives."
Mia Catedrilla, BFA Information Design

"I never actually made one because it always, always, always gets broken anyway... But I guess, deep in my heart, this year I want to balance having fun and schoolwork."
Rej Bagonoc, BS Health Sciences

"To find direction in life."
Keenan Mangin Go, BS Communications Technology Management

"For this year, my new year's resolution is to exert more effort in my school-related activities, since I wasn't really taking my studies seriously ever since. Now that I'm in college, I want to make things right."
Ervin Tung, BS Management

"My New Year's resolution is to be a better student, brother and son."
Bino Goco, AB Interdisciplinary Studies

"[To] procrastinate less in my studies so my grades will improve from last sem[ester]."
Greg Pascua, BS Legal Management

"I have two resolutions. The first one is to sleep earlier than at least 12:30 AM everyday and the second one is to eat less."
Migo Mantes, BS Computer Science

"[To] be responsible, patient, respectful and hardworking."
Jay Sacluti, AB Management Economics

"Years ago, I told myself I would never make a New Year's resolution ever again. I gravely dislike breaking my word."
Marisse Galera, BS Psychology

Happy New Year everyone and may 2012 be the year to bring you the wonder and joy that you seek.